What do you do?
When you don't want to be alive
But you don't want to be dead
What do you do?
When you're on the ledge
But afraid to jump
What do you do?

When you're falling
but you've changed your mind
What do you do?
When you're growing old
but you want to stay young
What do you do?

When you want to change
what you've already done
What do you do?
When you want something
but get nothing

What do you do?
When you don't know what to do
What do you do?
Just being alive

Just being alive
- No Trend
in fact, im in this situation...u said being alive,but with these scenes its hard to be know what u have to do heeeeey...
Hi there, sorry for the late reply! The feeling comes & goes. Everything is an experience. Taking enjoyment in the little things feels good. Trying to simplify things, do less & do it better rather than doing more & more yet only managing to do it halfway. Removing / keeping the bullshit out always helps.
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